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Just an FYI. The "rating" of wind turbines assume a wind speed of 30 MPH. Of course this is a maximum capacity of the turbine. When you look at the average wind speed of almost any location where turbines are located the average wind speed is about 1/4 of the rated 30 MPH (due to calm days). Now we know the output capacity of wind turbines are a cubed relationship to wind speed such that if the wind speed is reduced by half the output is reduced by 8 times.

So the 14 MW turbine on average will produce about 1/60th of the rated energy over time or about 0.25 MW steady state. This equates to about 350 Hp, Yes this monstrosity will generate as much horsepower as a 1970's Chevorlet V-8 engine.

I dont know how many run hours are needed in a 14 MW turbine to overcome the energy required to manufacture, install and maintain such a device but I would guess it takes many years just to break even from a consumption/production standpoint.

I would love to see that calculation.

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