Appreciate very much the info...I think I understand :) Between translating online and my very very broken Bulgarian was able to clean the tiks and toks. I knew I had a feeling that these two counter opposite forces have led the world to the state it is in. Funny how after WWII, all that death and destruction the dark left vs right ever escalating fight was set. Ever since Waterloo when the RothC's were able to snooker the gaining power thru world wealth...they have funded every side of every war. Meanwhile they created these two divided camps, communism and capitalism to pit the world against each other. While neither COMM or CAP is perfect. They both have positives, but the Jing vs Jang they want is the worst of each with greed, hypocrisy, power crazy demonic forces. That seems Satan plan to keep the world distracted while....????? The hand in the jacket is quite a giveaway. I've seen all with their symbolist when they do it covertly, yet overtly right in the open they mock trusting society.
Appreciate very much the info...I think I understand :) Between translating online and my very very broken Bulgarian was able to clean the tiks and toks. I knew I had a feeling that these two counter opposite forces have led the world to the state it is in. Funny how after WWII, all that death and destruction the dark left vs right ever escalating fight was set. Ever since Waterloo when the RothC's were able to snooker the gaining power thru world wealth...they have funded every side of every war. Meanwhile they created these two divided camps, communism and capitalism to pit the world against each other. While neither COMM or CAP is perfect. They both have positives, but the Jing vs Jang they want is the worst of each with greed, hypocrisy, power crazy demonic forces. That seems Satan plan to keep the world distracted while....????? The hand in the jacket is quite a giveaway. I've seen all with their symbolist when they do it covertly, yet overtly right in the open they mock trusting society.