Christine Massey: The Great Virus Myth - Exposing the Pseudoscience Behind SARS-CoV-2 and All Viruses, and Demanding Justice for Global Public Health Deception
The $Trillion Lie - How Pseudoscience Fueled a Global Crisis
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In the wake of the global COVID-19 plan-demic, a powerful and provocative claim has emerged, challenging the very foundation of modern virology and public health policy. Christine Massey, a trained biostatistician with a Master’s degree from the University of Toronto, has undertaken a groundbreaking investigation, yielding a startling conclusion: no health or scientific institution worldwide can provide concrete evidence for the existence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus allegedly responsible for COVID-19, or any virus for that matter. Massey's findings, based on over 200 Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to institutions in dozens of countries, cast doubt on the scientific validity of virology itself.
The Core of the Challenge: Absence of Scientific Proof
Massey’s inquiries sought to uncover records demonstrating the isolation and purification of SARS-CoV-2 from human samples—an essential step for confirming the existence of any virus. The responses from institutions worldwide were unanimous: no such records exist. This revelation undermines the very basis of the virus and contagion narrative that has dictated global health policies and shaped public perceptions of infectious disease.
According to Massey, virologists rely on flawed methodologies, including the use of computer-generated genome sequences and indirect tools like PCR tests, which lack the capability to detect live, infectious viruses.
The assertion that these viruses exist and cause disease is largely unsubstantiated, and the evidence supporting these claims is either non-existent or speculative at best.
These practices, she argues, do not meet the rigorous standards of the scientific method. Instead, they create a circular logic that presumes the existence of viruses without ever proving it.
This revelation should not be taken lightly. Massey's investigations reveal a pattern of obfuscation and denial from health authorities across multiple countries. When queried through formal Freedom of Information requests, institutions have consistently failed to produce records demonstrating the purification of SARS-CoV-2 from human patient samples.
This raises serious questions about the validity of the methodologies employed in virology. How can we trust the results of PCR tests, which are routinely used to diagnose viral infections, when no gold-standard proof of virus isolation exists?
A Pseudoscientific Paradigm?
Massey’s findings expose the pseudoscientific underpinnings of virology. For decades, health authorities and scientists have presented electron microscope images of particles, computer models, and indirect evidence as proof of viral existence and contagion. However, these practices fail to demonstrate the isolation and characterization of viruses, a fundamental requirement for establishing their role in causing disease.
The central issue at stake is the legitimacy of virology as a scientific discipline. Massey’s work forces us to confront a difficult truth: without definitive proof that a virus has been isolated and purified, the entire field of virology is at risk of being reduced to pseudoscience. The reliance on indirect evidence, such as PCR tests and electron microscopy images of purported viral particles, is not sufficient to prove that a virus exists and is capable of causing disease. Simply seeing particles in an image does not confirm that these particles are functioning as infectious viruses.
Furthermore, the practice of constructing "viral genomes" through computer-generated models, without physical evidence to back up these digital representations, exposes the circular reasoning and methodological flaws that plague virology. The failure to meet basic scientific standards—such as isolating and characterizing a virus in a controlled, repeatable manner—undermines the credibility of the entire field. The widespread acceptance of these unverified claims suggests that the scientific community has become complicit in promoting misinformation about the nature of viruses and the way they spread.
This lack of evidence has profound implications. If SARS-CoV-2 has never been scientifically proven to exist, then the fear, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and public health directives imposed during the plan-demic rest on an unsubstantiated foundation. Massey’s research suggests that the scientific community and public health institutions have perpetuated a narrative that is not only unsupported but also potentially fraudulent.
Global Inaction: A Crisis of Accountability
Despite the gravity of these revelations, Massey notes a disturbing lack of response from legal and governmental authorities. Lawyers, judges, and policymakers have largely failed to challenge the scientific assumptions underpinning public health policies. This silence is unacceptable. The affidavit Massey has filed, which meticulously documents her findings, serves as a call to action for all stakeholders to confront this issue head-on.
The implications of these revelations are profound. If the evidence for the existence of SARS-CoV-2 is as insubstantial as Massey’s research suggests, then the entire global response to the COVID-19 plan-demic—marked by widespread lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and severe public health measures—has been based on false assumptions and unproven claims. The idea that a virus can spread contagiously, cause illness, and justify sweeping societal measures lacks the scientific support that would normally underpin such extraordinary actions.
The narrative of virus-induced illness and contagion has caused widespread fear, societal disruption, and economic harm, all without solid scientific backing.
Now that these facts are widely recognized, it is time to demand transparency and accountability. Legal and governmental authorities must be held accountable for the harm caused by policies that have been based on questionable science. The continued reliance on pseudoscience to justify lockdowns, social distancing, mask mandates, and vaccine campaigns is no longer justifiable.
What is perhaps most troubling is the lack of challenge to this narrative. Despite Massey’s revelations, which are now in the public domain, no one has stepped forward to disprove her findings. In fact, public health authorities, legal bodies, and governments continue to perpetuate the narrative of viral contagion without addressing the fundamental lack of evidence for it. The continued inaction and indifference by these institutions—whether legal bodies, judges, or lawmakers—is unacceptable. It is a failure of monumental proportions, as millions of people’s lives and freedoms have been shaped by policies based on unverified and scientifically dubious claims.
The inaction of these institutions is particularly troubling given the stakes. Laws, government orders, and public health directives premised on the existence of viruses and their contagious nature have disrupted lives, economies, and societies. If these premises are demonstrably false, as Massey’s research suggests, they must be immediately repealed.
The Canadian Admission: A Turning Point?
One of the most compelling aspects of Massey’s investigation is the public acknowledgment by Canadian health institutions that they lack evidence for the existence of SARS-CoV-2. Despite this critical admission, the narrative remains unchallenged by the broader scientific and legal community. This raises an urgent question: why has this information not sparked widespread debate or action?
The lack of accountability highlights a systemic failure within both the scientific community and the institutions tasked with safeguarding public welfare. It is not enough to dismiss Massey’s findings as controversial or unorthodox; they demand rigorous scrutiny and an honest reevaluation of what we consider scientific fact.
Reclaiming Science and Public Health
The implications of Massey’s research extend far beyond the realm of virology. They challenge us to reconsider the role of science in public health and the mechanisms through which information is validated and disseminated. If the foundational assumptions of virology are flawed, then so too are the policies and practices built upon them.
This moment demands transparency and accountability from scientists, health authorities, and governments. It is time to reject fear-based narratives and demand evidence-based policies. The scientific community must return to its roots in the rigorous application of the scientific method, free from financial and political incentives that compromise integrity.
A Call to Action
Christine Massey’s affidavit is a bombshell that should compel governments, legal systems, and public health authorities to act. It is not merely an academic debate; it is a matter of public trust and global consequence. The continued inaction and indifference of those in power perpetuate a false narrative that has caused untold harm.
The time for change is now. Public health policies and laws based on the premise of viral contagion must be rescinded unless and until solid scientific evidence is presented. The burden of proof lies squarely on those making the claims, and the absence of such proof is a glaring indictment of the current paradigm.
The full affidavit accompanying this article is a testament to the meticulous research and unyielding commitment to truth that Christine Massey has displayed. It is a call for all of us to question, to demand answers, and to reclaim the integrity of science and public health for the benefit of humanity.
In Conclusion
Christine Massey’s findings represent a turning point in the way we understand viruses and the science that claims to support their existence. The growing body of evidence questioning the very foundation of virology calls for immediate action. It is time for a paradigm shift in how we view infectious disease and the policies that have been justified in its name. The global response to COVID-19 was built on unverified and flawed assumptions, and it is now up to us to demand a thorough re-examination of these claims and to hold those responsible accountable. Until this is done, the myth of viruses must be publicly acknowledged for what it truly is: a scientifically unsupported narrative that has wreaked havoc on society.
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Always informative in what she produces. If people would look at the effort put into the studies by Christine and compare the lack of energy and initiative presented by the medical, media and political fields, the populous might have the needed nudge to open their minds to something called the truth. In a world of so-called facts presented to the public to brainwash them, we still have believers without evidence in, the moon landing, 911 , weapons of mass destruction, the Bay of Tonkin, right down to the lies about Christmas and Santa Claus and other unproven lies. This nation is built on lies and the world in general is also. The problem is the people we would count on to bring forth the truth are bought off people that are willing to trade the truth for money and or power. So don't count on Politicians, Doctors, media, education, judges, lawyers and police in any matters of truth. All are willful liars. Hard to know where to turn for answers and help. I always point out that I am not a preacher and yet I find some truth in the Bible that is hard to overlook. Take a look at what mankind is predicted to be like in our day and tell me why we should trust any of them. 2 Timothy 3:2-5 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.-
And how many of mankind fall into this category? This tells you what kind of a percentage of people you can trust. Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Americans along with most others are habitual liars and the truth doesn't even show up in their daily lives. All of the afore mentioned professions lie, but the worst liars and Churches and parents that bring up their children in lies. For example- Santa Claus
So called wise men
Jesus date of birth
The nativity scene
All of your deceased family and friends are in Heaven
Easter bunny
Easter eggs
God has favored the USA
A loving God tortures conscious people forever, if they don't follow scripture.
You can do anything you choose (no limitations)
The tooth Fairy
Presidents integrity ( So-called founding father’s integrity )
American exceptionalism
US history -Pearl Harbor, 911, Bay of Tonkin, Weapons of mass destruction- endless lies
US Freedoms
Preachers lie from the podium every week.- The cross, the trinity, the immortality of the soul, a loving God torments people for eternity and many more. And many, many more…
And we wonder where the pool of liars that politicians. Businessmen, Sports stars etc. are pulled from, comes from? Well now you know.
Keep up the good work Christine. Always helpful to see statements of truth in a world of lies.